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Why a Cosmetic Surgery Like Blepharoplasty Makes Sense

April 30, 2024

Do you wish you looked younger, brighter, or more vibrant? One common culprit that may make you look older and more tired than you are is your eyelids.

As you age, you may notice your eyelids drooping, sagging, and no longer look as open. You may also have bags under your eyes, no matter how much sleep you get every night.

Regardless of how well-rested you may be, it's likely out of your hands. As you age, your skin loses its elasticity, forming wrinkles and sagging or loose skin.

Having mature and drooping eyelids can be particularly bothersome, though, as they make you feel like you look older than you are and can also affect your vision. Luckily, there is a minimally invasive procedure to treat drooping eyelids.

Keep reading to learn why a cosmetic surgery like blepharoplasty makes sense and why it could help you look younger and feel more beautiful!

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the eyelids and around the eyes. The procedure is minimally invasive, has a short recovery time, and is very low-risk.

Most blepharoplasty procedures are performed under local anesthetic and sedation or twilight anesthesia rather than general anesthesia, which significantly lowers the risks of surgery.

Who Should Have Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty treats sagging upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. The procedure is excellent for most people in good health with excess skin on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or puffiness under the eyes.

You may want to consider blepharoplasty if you're over 50 and feel self-conscious about droopy or saggy eyelids that make you look old or tired. However, it's also well-suited for patients in their mid-to-late thirties who struggle with excess tissue around their eyelids and bags under their eyes.

If you're in good health, not pregnant or nursing, and don't have any conditions that could interfere with the cosmetic procedure, you may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty. However, the only way to know is to schedule a consultation at OMNI Eye Specialists.

While blepharoplasty can be a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates your appearance, it's also sometimes used for medical purposes. This is the case when drooping upper eyelids partially block your vision and affect your visual field.

When blepharoplasty is required to restore one's visual field, health insurance usually deems it medically necessary and may cover part of the cost of the procedure. You can have blepharoplasty to both rejuvenate your appearance and restore your vision.

However, your oculoplastic surgeon must be able to document that the procedure will improve your vision. If this is not the case, health insurance may be able to cover some of the cost.

Even if you choose to have blepharoplasty as a cosmetic surgery, it's still highly beneficial. Reducing the appearance of drooping eyelids and bags under your eyes can enhance your whole face, helping you look and feel as young as you are.

Blepharoplasty and its recovery process are straightforward compared to more invasive cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts or brow lifts.

The Blepharoplasty Procedure and Recovery

During the blepharoplasty procedure, your OMNI Eye Specialist oculoplastic surgeon will create precise incisions along the natural folds of your eyelids. Doing this ensures there's the least amount of visible scarring possible.

Depending on your needs and goals for the cosmetic surgery, having blepharoplasty can address your upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both when necessary. Your oculoplastic surgeon will remove excess tissue, skin, and fat from your eyelids.

They will then close your stitches, usually with dissolvable stitches, to eliminate the need to return to have them removed. Recovering after blepharoplasty is quick, although you will likely experience swelling and bruising around your eyes.

Any swelling and bruising should dissipate after about two weeks, although each patient is different. As the swelling goes down, you'll be able to see the results of your blepharoplasty procedure, noticing your upper eyelids look rejuvenated and more awake.

Results of Blepharoplasty

The results of blepharoplasty for both the upper and lower eyelids are remarkable. Undergoing a blepharoplasty is an excellent way to significantly reduce sagging skin.

Your eyes will appear more open and alert, helping you look younger and refreshed. If you have lower eyelid surgery, a blepharoplasty will smooth away bags under your eyes, making you look brighter and increasing your confidence.

If you experience visual impairment due to droopy, saggy upper eyelids, a blepharoplasty will restore your visual field, improving your ability to see clearly. Undoubtedly, there are many benefits associated with having blepharoplasty, especially if you want to look like the best version of yourself.

Many patients ask if the cosmetic procedure's results last. Although undergoing a blepharoplasty will not stop aging, it can reduce the likelihood that your eyelids will sag again, especially the lower eyelids.

Some patients may notice sagging again about seven years after having a blepharoplasty. However, if you want the results of your blepharoplasty at OMNI Eye Specialists to last as long as possible, the key is to establish a good, consistent skincare routine.

Learn More About Blepharoplasty

Schedule a Consultation!

Doing this is the best way to ensure you look radiant, invigorated, and glowing from the inside out for many years after a blepharoplasty. Your skin and eyelids will thank you!

If you have sagging eyelids, a procedure like blepharoplasty makes sense. The cosmetic procedure can rejuvenate your face and, more importantly, make you feel more like yourself, boosting your confidence.

Are you ready to reinvigorate your appearance? Take the first step to love the way you look by requesting your appointment at OMNI Eye Specialists in Baltimore, Rosedale, Glen Burnie, Catonsville, and Parkville, MD, today! Why not love yourself, inside and out?